Unfancy Haskell pt 3: Brainfuck.JumpMap

Posted on December 15, 2017

This is part three of a six-part tour of a no-frills Brainfuck interpreter in Haskell. The source code for this project is available on github, and each post is written in literate Haskell, so you can execute these documents directly with GHC.


Beyond parsing, there’s a single pre-processing step that we’ll need in order to execute a given program: we need to map out which jump instructions ([ and ]) match with which others.

To take the smallest possible example: given the program [JumpAhead, JumpBack], we want to know that the JumpAhead at index 0 matches the JumpBack at index 1, and vice-versa.

We start with some standard imports:

module Brainfuck.JumpMap where

import           Brainfuck.Types
import qualified Data.Map        as Map
import qualified Data.Vector     as Vec

A JumpMap is a Data.Map.Map (also known as a hash map) with Index keys and Index values:

type JumpMap = Map.Map Index Index

Even though you and I know that a JumpMap is really just a Map.Map Index Index, I’d prefer to keep that fact hidden as a private implementation detail. In other words, other modules in this program should be able to use JumpMaps for all their intended purposes without ever using Data.Maps functions directly.

So given that fact and the fact that we want to expose an empty JumpMap, here’s a quick alias:

empty :: JumpMap
empty = Map.empty

There are exactly two types of jump operations we’re concerned with: [ and ]–a jump ahead and a jump back. Here’s a data type to represent them:

data Jump = Ahead | Back

As you may recall from part one, we’ve already defined a Program type, which is a vector of commands. We’re enhancing that type here, so let’s call the thing we’re constructing a NumberedProgram:

type NumberedProgram = [(Index, Command)]

Next, we’re going to want a list of every jump in the program, in the form of (Index, Jump) pairs. This function iterates through a NumberedProgram, converting JumpAhead and JumpBack commands into Ahead and Back jumps, discarding the rest:

type NumberedJump = (Index, Jump)

onlyJumps :: NumberedProgram -> [NumberedJump]
onlyJumps [] = []
onlyJumps ((idx, JumpAhead):xs) = (idx, Ahead) : onlyJumps xs
onlyJumps ((idx, JumpBack):xs)  = (idx, Back) : onlyJumps xs
onlyJumps (_:xs)                = onlyJumps xs

The next function, jumpMap' is a real doozy. It does the hard part of building a jump map: figuring out which [ goes with which ]. It uses a stack to keep track of open [s, popping them off when it reaches a ]:

jumpMap' :: JumpMap -> [NumberedJump] -> [NumberedJump] -> JumpMap
jumpMap' acc []                   []                  = acc
jumpMap' acc stack                (j@(_,Ahead):jumps) = jumpMap' acc (j:stack) jumps
jumpMap' acc ((aidx,Ahead):stack) ((bidx,Back):jumps) = jumpMap' (Map.insert aidx bidx acc) stack jumps

a note about errors

The jumpmap' function also presents us with some of this program’s few error cases. In the interest of keeping things simple and not getting too fancy, I’ve chosen to use the built-in error function, which has the misleading type error :: String -> a, and in reality just bombs out of the entire program with a given message.

Calling error like this is considered… not great. It totally circumvents the type system and generally makes it difficult to anticipate and recover from errors. That said, it’s great for this use case because:

  1. If we reach one of these errors then there’s nothing we can do or want to do to recover. It’s game over.
  2. Once we pass this point, we know the program is valid and we’re done with error cases.
jumpMap' _   []                   ((idx,Back):_)      = error $ "no matching '[' for ']' at " ++ show idx ++ "!"
jumpMap' _   ((idx,_):_)          []                  = error $ "no matching ']' for '[' at " ++ show idx ++ "!"
jumpMap' _   _                    _                   = error "pretty sure this is a bad situation, but I don't know how to put it into words."

The pseudo-jump map created above only maps from Aheads to Backs, but we need a map that goes both ways. Here’s a quick function to make a unidirectional map bidirectional:

bidirectionalize :: Ord a => Map.Map a a -> Map.Map a a
bidirectionalize m =
  let kvs = Map.toList m
      vks = map (\(k, v) -> (v, k)) kvs
  in Map.fromList (kvs ++ vks)

Finally, bring it all together and write a function that builds a JumpMap for a given Program.

makeJumpMap :: Program -> JumpMap
makeJumpMap prog =
  let numbered = zip indexes (Vec.toList prog)
      jumps = onlyJumps numbered
  in bidirectionalize $ jumpMap' Map.empty [] jumps
    indexes :: [Index]
    indexes = map Index ([0 ..] :: [Int])

what’s next?

We now have a complete, type-safe, and verified-valid Brainfuck program in memory. We’re halfway there! Next, we’ll start laying the groundwork for actually executing a program by building a representation of runtime memory.