Unfancy Haskell pt 1: Brainfuck.Types

Posted on December 1, 2017

This is part one of a six-part tour of a no-frills Brainfuck interpreter in Haskell. The source code for this project is available on github, and each post is written in literate Haskell, so you can execute these documents directly with GHC.

introduction to the series

Brainfuck is a terrible language. It’s designed to be difficult to read, difficult to reason about, and difficult to write. On the other hand, it’s very easy to implement: the specification is short and straightforward, you can parse it with nothing, and you only have pointers, bytes, and indexes to keep track of at run time.

Haskell is a great language. It’s designed to be easy to read, easy to reason about, and easy to write. Unfortunately, a lot of Haskell’s most “interesting” applications involve a lot of language extensions, constructs, and libraries that are incredibly alienating to not only beginners, but mortals in general.

I think that’s a real shame, because Haskell has a lot to offer even without Kleisli composition or profunctor optics. At its best, Haskell offers concise, readable code with a high degree of correctness.

prior art

This was my second time implementing a Brainfuck interpreter. The first was in Clojure, another great functional programming language, as a weekend project that I took up on a complete whim. A few hours in, I had a project that could run “Hello, World!” and a few other simple example programs, but it would choke on anything more complicated than that.

I spent another hour or two adding additional validation to try to figure out where exactly the program was going wrong and fixed a couple of bugs, but ultimately it didn’t quite get to where I wanted it to before I lost interest.

success at last

Fast forward a few months to when I’m starting to feel a lot more comfortable in Haskell, and I decided I’d go for a rematch, but this time I would have one of the most advanced type systems in the world to help me get it right.

I’ll spoil the ending for you: the Haskell implementation took no longer than my initial Clojure version, but it worked absolutely perfectly the first time I ran it. Not just simple programs, but everything I could throw at the interpreter ran without a hitch.

I decided to turn the code into a series of posts that would show how the type system helped me write a correct interpreter for a language I barely understood so quickly, and that’s what you’re reading now.

All of the source files in the repo are now in literate Haskell, so what you’re reading is the program, piece by piece. Feel free to clone it, try it out, and tweak it all you want.


Because this is a literate Haskell file, I can’t actually skip any code. Here’s how every module starts:

module Brainfuck.Types where

This particular module, Brainfuck.Types, has basic types that I plan to use throughout the rest of the code. It doesn’t contain all the types, but it does contain most of the types you’d expect to see based on the language spec.

It only requires one other module:

import qualified Data.Vector as Vec

The Data.Vector module lets us represent the program as a Vector, rather than a linked list. If you’re familiar with Clojure’s vector type, this one is basically the same.

If we stored the program statements in a list, jumping to the millionth instruction would take at least one million operations–one for every position in the list that we have to visit to get to our destination. With a vector, jumping ahead by a million takes no longer than jumping ahead by one.

Other than that, you can mostly treat vectors and lists similarly, but for a few instances where you’ll see calls to fromList and toList because some other function only knows how to deal with lists and not vectors.

Next up, the actual representation of Brainfuck statements as a Haskell type:

data Command
  = IncPtr
  | DecPtr
  | IncVal
  | DecVal
  | PrintChar
  | ReadChar
  | JumpAhead
  | JumpBack
  deriving (Show)

The commands above correspond to >, <, +, -, ., ,, [, and ], respectively. With that defined, we can create a type alias for a Program that we can use from now on:

type Program = Vec.Vector Command

There are only two other types that are relevant at the level of the specification. First of all, bytes:

type Byte = Int

This will be the type of both pointers and their values (since the language barely distinguishes between them). We could probably represent bytes in a bunch of other ways, but Int seemed the most straightforward to me. This is just a type alias, so Byte and Int will be freely interchangeable throughout the rest of the code.

The only other ‘type’ (and I use that term loosely) that exists within Brainfuck is an index into the running program:

newtype Index =
  Index Int
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

The only flow control in Brainfuck is [ (conditional jump ahead) and ] (conditional jump back). There’s no equivalent of “goto”, and thus no way of turning a notional Byte into a notional Index.

Unlike Int and Byte, I do not want Index to be interchangeable with anything. I want to take extra care to keep this type separate from the other Int-based types, and that’s exactly what newtype is for. Now, the only way to create a new Index is explicitly with the Index type constructor, e.g., Index 0. No such ceremony is required (or allowed) for the Byte type, so hopefully that will keep things clearer later on.

Also, because Index is a brand-new type, we need to explicitly derive instances of Eq (the equality typeclass), Ord (ordered), and Show (for converting an index to a string).

what’s next?

We have everything we need to represent a Brainfuck program in memory, but no way to read one! Next up is the Brainfuck.Parse module, which will convert a string to a Program.